« Measure everything that can be measured and make measurable what cannot be measured. »
Astronomer, Mathematician,
Physicist, Scientist (1564 – 1642)
Since 1933, VETTINER has been passionately designing and manufacturing standard capacitors (up to 1200 kV) as well as test benches and measurement solutions for all types of High Voltage equipment, from our base in Lyon, France.
Our mission: To support our customers at every stage in the rigorous testing of their equipment – transformers, cables, alternators, coils, magnetic materials and much more. Thanks to our solutions, we guarantee optimum measurement performance, for uncompromising reliability.
Every day, we push back the limits of precision. We develop tailor-made measurement and test solutions with a clear ambition: to offer our customers tools at the cutting edge of precision and reliability, adapted to their most demanding challenges.
Our products are developed and manufactured in line with our company’s own principle of sustainable development. We ensure that our products have a long service life, up to 30 to 40 years!
Discover NEWGAS, an innovative dielectric gas with 10 times less environmental impact than SF6, a reliable, environmentally-friendly solution that meets the most stringent ecological and safety standards.
As the only French SME to be a shareholder in Supergrid Institute, Vettiner is contributing to the development of the electricity networks of the future and to the evolution of precision metrology in electricity.
Our researchers, PhD students and engineers rely on one of the world’s best ecosystems to test and validate their R&D.
The world’s leading metrology laboratories and research institutes rely on the excellence of our measurement equipment.
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